
Tomato Determinate


Hybrid determinate elongated tomato with very early maturity for processing industry.
This high yielding processing variety has a maturity of 85 days after transplanting, allowing flexibility in harvest process schedule. It is well-adapted to handpick over a 1-2 week harvesting period. This variety had good leaf cover that protects the fruit set against sunburn, improving factory results. The firm fruits have thick walls, thus its harvested fruits travel well with minimal losses and optimized results.

Disease Resistance Package
High Resistance:
Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV)
Fusarium (Fol-2)
Verticillium (Va)
Altenaria Stem Canker (Aal)

Intermediate Resistance:
Grey Leaf Spot (Ss)
Nematodes (Mi)


Hybrid: F1
Type: Determinate
Maturity: Very early, ± 85 days to first pick


Vigour: Strong
Internode Length: Medium


Shape: Elongated
Weight: 80-110gr
Firmness: Firm
Attachment: Semi-jointed
Walls: Thick
Brix: 5
Cluster: 5-7