Frey F1

Pepper Sweet

Frey F1

The large blocky fruit of this variety starts off with a fresh green colour turning to red. The fruit walls are thick and fleshy and the shoulders of the fruit are shallow with a very good calyx attachment. The plants carry a high yield and have an average height indoors of 160 cm, but will in outdoor conditions be semi-compact with a good cover against sunscalding. If planted in double rows outside with a short staked support, a very high yield over a long picking period can be achieved.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
مرض فلفل HR:


الفلفل الحلو: أحمر كبير
Hybrid: نعم
الإنتاج: حقل مفتوح, محمي
Season: الربيع, الصيف, الخريف
النضج: مبكر


النبات: متوسط, قوي


ممتلئ الجسم: كبير
الفاكهة: صلب